必ऀbetway赞助英超西汉姆联队1;二维码下载葡萄酒业务月刊 - 酿酒厂和种植者的主要印刷出版物
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Shopping time again. BRL Hardy bids on Kendall-Jackson. Allied Domecq pursues Buena Vista. And Banksia buys Adelaide Hills. Also: an era ends when Robert Mondavi retires as chairman of the Napa Valley winery he founded in 1966. Meanwhile, stocks went up. The Dow was up 8.64%, the Nasdaq 15.01%, and our Wine Market News Index was right in the middle at 11.38%. That was just for the month of April. The past year makes wine look even better. The Index was up almost 28% over the twelve-month period, while the Dow dropped a fraction (0.02%) and the Nasdaq plummeted over 45%. Not as bad for the Nasdaq as it looked a month ago, but stick around. Buy wine.Allied-Domecq(FTSE: ALLD) As of Wine Market News deadline, Allied Domecq was reported to...



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