必ऀbetway赞助英超西汉姆联队1;二维码下载葡萄酒业务月刊 - 酿酒厂和种植者的主要印刷出版物

Equipment Leasing

One Way to Preserve Cash Flow
byJeremy Hay
May 2001 Issue of Wine Business Monthly
When it comes to leasing--whether of tractors, barrels or bottling lines--"you always have to remember that winery owners are farmers," says Mike Barrett, leasing executive with Dumac Leasing, a division of Sonoma County-based Exchange Bank. "They were brought up to pay cash; ownership is the key." American businesses annually lease an estimated $260 billion worth of equipment. But the entrenched attitude Barrett describes may help explain why, according to the latest available U.S. Department of Agriculture study, only about 20 percent of farmers lease some or all of their equipment. As for how popular or widespread leasing is within the wine industry, opinions vary--although there is general agreement about why and when leasing is conside...
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