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What a Small Winery Needs for Harvest Analysis
by柯蒂斯·菲利普斯(Curtis Phillips)
Sep 2001 Issue of Wine Business Monthly
Wine was made for millennia prior to the 'discovery' of modern chemistry. I suspect that most pre-analytical wines would taste dreadful to a modern palate. After all, to the Romans, wine drinking involved the mixing wine with seawater, pine resin, herbs, honey, and lemon juice. Granted this could be a matter of mere fashion, but I suspect the main purpose was to make the stuff quaffable. All commercial wineries, and most non-commercial ones, should have a laboratory and conduct routine analysis on their wines. I am not advocating any sort homogenization of wine styles. Nor am I advocating the triumph of technology over artistry. Indeed, good winemaking should be more the domain of the nose and tongue than of cold numbers, but the numbers do...
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