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Core Sommelier Course
Apr 24-
Jun 19
Philadelphia, PA
Registration Deadline:Apr 11, 2022
Event Type:Seminars and Classes
Description:Develop the skills needed to work in the wine trade and earn your sommelier pin. The Core Sommelier Course is offered this spring by the Wine School of Philadelphia. The program is accredited by the National Wine School and offers a holistic approach to wine education.

The school was named the top wine school in America by SOMM, and this program is the keystone to its appeal. This is hands-one wine education; unlike most wine schools, we never use power-point presentations, and all our teachers are university-level professors with at least a decade of experience in the wine trade.
Event Organizer:Wine School of Philadelphia
Venue:Wine School of Philadelphia
Address:109 S. 22nd Street Philadelphia, PA 19103
Time:1: 15 pm
Website: https://www.vinology.com/class/core-wine-course-spring/2022-04-24/
Available languages:English
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