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St. Helena winery showcases the industry's most contemporary facility and equipment.
经过艾伦·戈德法布(Alan Goldfarb)
还记得2001年的加州电力危机吗?谁could forget? Brown-outs that summer were commonplace while prices skyrocketed, rationing became the norm, and big corporations such as Enron were beginning to bear the brunt--ifnotthewrath--ofanation.Chuck McMinn, owner of St. Helena's Vineyard 29 in Napa Valley, has not forgotten. In 2002, as McMinn began building a new winery, offices and caves, he was determined to protect his operation from shutting down and going off-line. If and when the power outages occurred again, McMinn reasoned, he would not lose his power during crush--a winery's most critical time of year. Thus, he set out to have the first US, winery-integrated cogeneration system power plant built.McMinn is one of the legend...



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