必ऀbetway赞助英超西汉姆联队1;二维码下载葡萄酒业务月刊 - 酿酒厂和种植者的主要印刷出版物

Technical Review: Radiant Sparkling Wine Company

Mobile bottler offers Oregon bubbles producers equipment, ease and expertise
byL.M. Archer
Apr 2022 Issueof Wine Business Monthly
Before Andrew Davis founded Radiant Sparkling Wine Company, only a few Oregon winemakers dared produce sparkling wine. “Quality sparkling wine production is very complicated and expensive compared to still wine production,” said Rollin Soles of ROCO Winery, the Willamette Valley sparkling wine producer who founded Argyle Winery in 1987. “Some of the highest bars to entry are the expertise required to cultivate a successful tirage/second fermentation program for riddling, dis...
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