必ऀbetway赞助英超西汉姆联队1;二维码下载葡萄酒业务月刊 - 酿酒厂和种植者的主要印刷出版物

Winemaker Trial: Smoke Taint Mitigation in White Grapes Through Hard Press Fraction Segmentation

在Mendocino Complex野火的威胁下,Yokayo酒庄试用了更温和的加工方法,以减少烟雾污染对生产规模水平的影响,以验证学术界推荐的实践的业务可行性。
Jake Pauli, assistant winemaker Jake Pauli is the assistant winemaker for Yokayo Wine Company, working daily with David Rosenthal to create great wines. He grew up in the business and graduated from Napa Valley Community College with a degree in enology and viticulture. Prior to working at Yokayo, Pauli spent a harvest at Chappellet in Napa. He is also the winemaker for his own label, JEP Wines, which he founded in 2019. David Rosenthal, general manager and director of winemaking (second f...
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