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Apr 2003 Issue of Wine Business Monthly
New Orion CTS-67 Boosts Stretch Wrapping EfficiencyOrion Packaging Systems' new CTS-67 is designed to streamline stretch wrapping operations by providing a staging conveyor onto which unwrapped loads can be placed, thus eliminating the need for double handling of the load. CTS-67 is a stand-alone turntable-style stretch-wrapping unit that provides separate staging and wrapping areas. Serving a niche Orion calls "Hybrid Automation," operation of the CTS-67 is simple. A forklift driver delivers a load to the infeed conveyor, pulls a hanging lanyard and leaves to fetch another load or tend to other tasks. The unwrapped load is then conveyed to the turntable and the wrap cycle begins. While the load is being wrapped, the forklift driver can pla...
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