
What is the TikTok damp drinking trend and could it improve your relationship with alcohol?

Stock picture of women on a night out. Damp drinking is taking over TikTok? (Getty Images)

Move over Dry January, there's a new alcohol-limiting trend going viral on TikTok and it could change your relationship with booze forever. Say hello to damp drinking.

如果在一年中最令人沮丧的几个月中完全放弃酒精听起来有点太极端,那么您可能有兴趣听到潮湿的饮酒 - 目前接管社交媒体的新健康趋势。

A wellbeing change that is about embracing a healthier relationship with alcohol through mindful drinking, the #damplifestyle hashtag now has 10.3 million views on the app and is creeping up rapidly by the day.



What is damp drinking?一月干燥的是整个月都完全戒酒,而潮湿的饮酒更多是要切换到少喝酒。“对于某些人来说,放弃酒精的想法可能会有些极端,”私人康复诊所的凯瑟琳·卡尼博士解释说。德拉米尔.

"The damp lifestyle trend is not about quitting alcohol, but instead about being more conscious of how much you are consuming. This includes drinking in moderation, creating a healthier, well-balanced relationship with alcohol and changing our views on drinking culture."

What's driving the damp drinking trend?We have already seen a huge shift in attitudes towards drinking over the past few years, with recent stats from the Society of Independent Brewers (Siba), showing a quarter of the UK now doesn’t drink, while one in three have chosen to reduce their alcohol consumption.

“自从大流行结束以来,英国的饮酒行为发生了很大的转变researchshowing that 60% of people have decided to reduce their alcohol consumption in an effort to improve their health and wellbeing," Dr Carney adds.

Many people are adopting a damp lifestyle. (Getty Images)

TikTok has also played a part in the rise.热门的Tiktok主题标签“潮湿的生活方式”和“清醒的好奇” - 两者都有数百万个帖子,详细介绍了如何更加刻薄地享用酒精,只证明许多人正在从暴饮暴食的饮酒规范中转移到更具衡量和控制的饮酒方式。

“Over the past year, we have recognised a growing trend in adults embracing a more positive approach to alcohol consumption. More individuals are looking for ways to change their drinking behaviour,” explains Dr Carney.

TikToker Hana Elson coined the term for the movement.She now runs a TikTok page all about the trend. "Small habit changes lead to big results and create your lifestyle,"Elson says关于生活“潮湿的生活方式”。

Damp January is a more realistic goal than Dry January, say experts, making it ultimately easier to stick to.

“潮湿的一月份是一个极端的极端,可能更可持续的挑战版本,重点是减少1月份的酒精摄入量,”减少酒精应用程序的首席执行官兼联合创始人Vedant PradeepReframetold更好的房屋和花园。


潮湿的饮酒更有益吗?There is some evidence that the sustainable approach of Damp Drinking may be more beneficial to health long-term than abstaining from alcohol completely, with a 2021study发现一月干燥的参与导致将来更多的饮酒。


What are the health plus-points of damp drinking?更好的睡眠开始。酒精通常被用作帮助您漂移的睡眠援助,但是尽管帮助您放松身心,但多余的饮酒会影响由于头痛,脱水和排尿的需求增加而导致睡眠的质量和模式。


潮湿的饮酒可能意味着更好的心理健康。Alcohol is a rather deceiving depressant; while you may feel relaxed or excited during the time of consumption, alcohol actually has a significant impact on mental health.

"Drinking alcohol, particularly heavy consumption, interferes with the chemicals in the brain that maintains good mental health, meaning that after drinking, you may experience feelings of depression and anxiety, sometimes referred to as 'beer fear' or 'hang-xiety'," explains Dr Delamare.

"By embracing a ‘damp lifestyle’, on the occasions you chose not to drink, levels of alcohol will no longer affect the balance of chemicals in your brain, meaning mental health can improve."

Stopping binge drinking could lead to better health overall.过量饮酒通常会导致昏昏欲睡,昏昏欲睡,并且第二天通常不适,因为它会干扰身体的日常功能。


Drinking in excess for a prolonged period of time can raise your blood pressure to unhealthy levels which could lead to more complicated health problems associated with high blood pressure and alcohol consumption, such as strokes, heart disease and chronic kidney disease.

Stock picture of a woman. Damp drinking is about being more conscious of what you are drinking. (Getty Images)
Damp drinking is about being more mindful about what you consume. (Getty Images)

How to start being a damp drinker.In her various videos about the damp lifestyle movement,埃尔森描述the importance of understanding that small habit changes can lead to big results.


She also recommends having a water between each alcoholic drink and opting for lower ABV (Alcohol by volume) options once you’re out drinking.

Cutting out shots completely, not having spirits and sticking to the same type of alcohol all night are other adaptations that have worked for her in adopting a damp lifestyle.
