
浅红色混合物来自莱姆酒窖,最近是伊丽莎白·奥尔森(Elizabeth Olsen)最喜欢的酿酒厂的新闻

Ryme’s Sangiovese Friulano, a bag-in-box wine, sells for $65 and holds the equivalent of four bottles of wine.

Ryme’s Sangiovese Friulano, a bag-in-box wine, sells for $65 and holds the equivalent of four bottles of wine.

以斯帖·莫布利(Esther Mobley)/ The Chronicle

Welcome to本周的葡萄酒, a series in which Chronicle wine critic Esther Mobley recommends a delicious bottle that you should be drinking right now. Last week, she突出显示了圣塔芭芭拉县的奶油状,复杂的养育Check for anew installmentonline every Wednesday.

在过去的几周中,我一直在冰箱里努力工作。这是一个快乐。Turning the spigot on the bag-in-box makes me feel like I’m a college student again, pouring myself a cupful of Franzia at a house party — only this time, I have replaced the red Solo cup with real glassware, and the wine in my fridge is about one thousand times better than Franzia.

该酒是Ryme酒窖的Sangiovese Friulano,是质朴,樱桃前红葡萄Sangiovese和浓郁的白色葡萄Tocai Friulano的异常融合。这种混合产生了一种淡淡的碳,浅红色的葡萄酒,散发着酸果莓和大黄的苦味,酸味的风味,并带有同时甜美和植物的味道,让人想起了成熟的夏季番茄。这是一种真正需要寒意的红酒,这使其成为袋装格式的绝佳候选者,因为任何盒装葡萄酒的合法位置都位于冰箱的底部架子上。


梅根(Megan)和瑞安·格拉布(Ryan Glaab),后面的夫妻Ryme地窖自2018年以来,在森林维尔(Forestville),一直将桑吉瓦斯·弗里拉诺(Sangiovese Friulano)放在瓶子里,但盒装格式对他们来说是新的。梅根·格拉布(Megan Glaab)说,这个想法在19日期间在家人隔离时出现了。她说:“我们都去过那里 - 您被困在家里,想要一杯葡萄酒,但您不想打开整个瓶子。”“盒子使您能够将其保存在冰箱中,并且可以根据需要获得尽可能多的葡萄酒。”

Ryme — which was recently revealed as actor伊丽莎白·奥尔森(Elizabeth Olsen)最喜欢的酿酒厂要参观 - 去年秋天,用白葡萄酒开始了拳击实验:明亮,清脆的Vermentino,味道像菠萝和迈耶柠檬汁,仅在其网站上提供。Glaabs震惊​​地看到了它的出售速度,他们的分销商立即大声疾呼一些出售给葡萄酒商店。因此,今年冬天,他们更加装箱,加入了Sangiovese Friulano和由意大利南部葡萄品种Aglianico制成的桃红葡萄酒。

Each box costs $65 and holds the equivalent of four bottles of wine, which comes to $16.25 per bottle — a fine bargain, and one that reflects the low costs of the bag-in-box packaging relative to a traditional bottling. In theory, the cardboard box should represent a lower environmental footprint than a glass bottle, cork and foil, too.

梅根·格拉布(Megan Glaab)和瑞安·格拉布(Ryan Glaab),瑞姆酒窖(Ryme Cellars)的共同所有人和联合获奖者,在他们的森林维尔酒庄(Forestville Winery)。

梅根·格拉布(Megan Glaab)和瑞安·格拉布(Ryan Glaab),瑞姆酒窖(Ryme Cellars)的共同所有人和联合获奖者,在他们的森林维尔酒庄(Forestville Winery)。

Mason Trinca / Special to The Chronicle 2017

Although Glaab doesn’t yet know the outer limit of how long the boxed wines will密封破裂后最后一次, so far they seem to be staying fresh for at least a couple of months, she says.

“Because the wine is getting sucked down, you’re not introducing oxygen,” Glaab says. “We trialed the Vermentino, and after three months, it was still completely delicious.”

Because they pack a lot of wine into a lightweight package, the Ryme boxes have obvious appeal for applications like camping or other types of traveling. They’re unlikely to shatter in a suitcase, and you don’t need to worry about packing a corkscrew. I’m also imagining, when such things are once again advisable, bringing a box of Sangiovese Friulano to barbecues or other outdoor gatherings where you need to satisfy a large group.

但是我可以证明,为自己准备一盒葡萄酒同样有趣。这很有效。负担得起。And if, like me, you are nostalgic for an earlier, more innocent time of your life — a time unmarred by pandemic, when you may have consumed more than a little Franzia — then Ryme’s bag-in-box red wine may deliver a special kind of joy to you, too.

目前,Sangiovese,Vermentino和Rosé盒子仅可用through the Ryme website, but will soon be stocked at Bay Area stores.

Ryme地窖Sangiovese Friulano Fox Hill Vineyard Mendocino County 2020 ($65/box, 12.3%).注意:葡萄酒为85%的Sangiovese和15%的Tocai Friulano,该盒子的价格相当于四个常规葡萄酒瓶。

以斯帖·莫布利(Esther Mobley)is The San Francisco Chronicle’s wine critic. Email:emobley@sfchronicle.comTwitter:@Esther_mobley