Monday, August 29, 2022


根据current history, the first evidence of wine-making consists of jars dug up in Georgia, in very far eastern Europe — the jars are about 8,000 years old. The next bit of evidence consists of jars from present-day Iran (7,000 years old). After that, the first evidence of large-scale production is a winery ruin in Armenia, right next to Georgia — this is dated to 6,000 years ago. All of this pre-dates things likewriting, for example, and so wine-making is one of the earliest civilized activities. (Note: the existence of wine alone does not imply积极的wine-making, since fermentation of grape juice occurs naturally.)

美国葡萄酒经济学家协会(AAWE)第14届年度会议于2022年8月24日至28日在佐治亚州首府第比利斯举行。Aawe Facebook页面关于佐治亚州目前的酿酒局局有一系列帖子;我认为我可以在这里编译它们,以供参考。

As a starter, though, the AAWE also provides links to show that Georgians have a sense of humour when advertising their wines:


It has been noted (葡萄酒的发源地) 那:
葡萄酒不仅是佐治亚州和高加索地区历史的一小部分 - 它在您所处的任何地方都被编织成佐治亚州和亚美尼亚文化。In fact, upon landing in Tbilisi, one of the first things you’ll see is the Mother of Georgia statue standing tall above the city on a hill, with a sword for her enemies in one hand and a bowl of wine for guests in the other.
当然,从开始到现在,有很多葡萄酒的历史。当然,最近是美国的一部分(基本上是1921年至1991年;旁边:约瑟夫·斯大林实际上是乔治亚人)。此后的情况最近由Meininger’s Wine Business International((Georgia: Caucasus blues):
  • Russia is still the biggest buyer of Georgian wines. However, dependence is decreasing, exacerbated by the conflicts over the separatist regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The Russian trade embargo on wine from 2006 to 2013 has led to greater diversification.
  • Autochthonous grape varieties are important. The near-black Saperavi grape and the white Rkatsiteli are the two leading varieties
  • 佐治亚州不应仅等同于QVEVRI葡萄酒。尽管进行了炒作,但它们仅构成生产的一小部分 - 对于俄罗斯大众市场和西方市场而言,这是正确的。
  • 耕种通常是传统的。但是葡萄酒也是大规模酿酒厂生产的,其中一些葡萄酒仍然有苏联时代的设备。
  • Wine tourism is developing well, as history, food, wine and epic landscapes come together in unique exotic experiences.
  • “ 8,000份年份”的“土地”与西方看来的现代性平衡了现代性。
当然,也有卡伦牌的效果t situation in neighboring Ukraine (湾区爱上了这个国家的天然葡萄酒。然后在乌克兰的战争使他们稀缺):
葡萄酒买家报道说,最近几个月来,佐治亚共和国的瓶子非常稀少。These wines are a darling of the local wine scene, embraced particularly by natural wine fans, who appreciate the ancient, pre-industrial techniques that many of the country’s smaller wineries employ ... Skin-contact white wine, also known as orange, macerated or amber wine — which has been the Georgian specialty for thousands of years — is by far the most popular type of wine ...

Map of the viticultural regions in Georgia



The country of Georgia is the birthplace of winemaking and home to 500+ indigenous wine grape varieties. However, most are not used commercially. In 2016, 87% of Georgia’s vineyard area was planted with white varieties.


Vineyard area in Georgia, 1993-2019.


总体而言,佐治亚州的葡萄价格非常低(每吨约410美元)。在卡赫蒂(乔治亚州葡萄酒生产的75%)中,葡萄的价格仅为每吨385美元。相比之下,Racha-Lechhumi山和Kvemo Svaneti地区的葡萄价格高于2,000 US,并且上涨。


Wine export share of national commodity export value, 2020. Wine is most important in Georgia (6.3%), Rep Moldova (5.5%), New Zealand (3.4%), Montenegro (3.1%), Chile (2.5%), France (2.0%), Togo (1.9%), Portugal (1.59%), Italy(1.5%), and Argentina (1.4%).


Georgia’s white wine is on the rise. Although white wine accounts for approx 70% of Georgia’s wine production, most Georgian wine imported into the U.S. is red! But the share of white wine imported from Georgia has been growing from below 23% in 2014 to now almost 41% (2021).


Georgia’s average wine export prices to main markets, 2000-2021.Export prices to the U.S. are rising — against the trend elsewhere.




How dependent are Georgia’s wine exports on Russia? In 2021, 59% of Georgia’s wine export volume and, due lower prices paid by Russia, only 54.7% of its wine export value, went to Russia. Here a monthly view. Georgia’s dependency on Russia is slowly declining, but still above 50%.


美国葡萄酒从佐治亚州和亚美尼亚进口,2000 - 2021年。


U.S. imports of wine from Georgia, 2021. The organic share of reds is much higher than of whites. Also, an 18% organic share for reds is second to none. Note, in order to be called “organic” in the U.S., a wine must not contain any added sulfites!


鲜为人知的 - 从佐治亚州进口的美国瓶装静止葡萄酒中有11.3%是有机认证的(按价值)。这使佐治亚州在美国的主要进口资源中成为遥远的#1。#2是奥地利,份额为7.4%,其次是加拿大,为7.1%。


  1. 嗨,大卫

    我意识到你是引用另一个网站,but I think this bullet point could use some qualification: "Georgia should not be equated only with Qvevri wines. Despite the hype, they form only a small part of the production — this is true for the Russian mass market as well as for the western markets."

    It is certainly true that qvevri wine accounts only for a very small part of commercial production, and also for exports to Russia and the West. But homemade wine production is much larger than commercial in Georgia, and a significant proportion of homemade wine is made in qvevri. Estimates are difficult to obtain, but something like 2/3 of production is probably homemade, and maybe 30% of that is made in qvevri. So even including homemade, a sizable majority of wine production would be non-qvevri, but qvevri wine is a lot more common in Georgia than official statistics might suggest, perhaps accounting for something like 25% of total production. Irrespective of any possible unjustified hype, qvevri wine is an important part of the wine scene in Georgia.

    I discuss this in more detail here:

    Best wishes, Steve

  2. (并不是要使我的最后一评论匿名。

  3. Hi, Hey, you both are right. David and Steve make excellent points about qvevri's official 1% total of production and broader family made production. Qvevri's use as the thin edge of the wedge proved central to promoting and marketing all Georigan wine into the greater world. The increased export of larger modern production has followed that market. For me, as important has been qvevri's central role in the reversal of autochthonous grapes slow decline into extinction. I've touched on it here:
