

Pierre Guigui on the History of Organic Wine in France: "Conventional Production Costs More for the Community"

In America, Guigui is not a household word, but in France, many认识他他担任著名的Gault&Millau的葡萄酒编辑。他成为有机和生物动力的专家,并成为这些葡萄酒的冠军,开始了有机葡萄酒节和比赛在1996年的巴黎。当开创性的冒险活动开始时,有200多个生产者参加了比赛,这表明了那时运动的广泛性。

Today more than 13 percent of French vineyards are certified organic with more on the way. It's been estimated that more than 300 producers in Bordeaux alone are converting to organic certification this year.

I had the pleasure of interviewing Guigui for本文为Wine Business.com撰写必威二维码下载今年早些时候。

In order to help American readers understand more about the history of the now popular organic wine industry in France, I am sharing this article with you. It was published in the French wine magazine Vitisphere and, thanks to Google Translate, here it is in English.


在美国,有些主题是有机葡萄酒状态的共同点 - 尽管这些生产商来自顶级葡萄酒的份额不成比例,但缺乏有机葡萄酒的理解(和欣赏)有机葡萄酒。传统葡萄酒 - 污染者不付款的事实,但纳税人会造成水污染和其他生态影响。

Boldingsare mine.


27 years ago, you launched an organic wine fair, Amphores: was it visionary when you see the current growth of the category?

Pierre Guigui: "No matter how the wine is made, the winemaker can do whatever he wants, if the wine is good, it is good!" Thirty years ago, in the 90s, this watered down sentence was commonplace in the professional world where questions of ecology, the environment, the dangerousness of synthetic chemicals, additives, inputs, corrective oenology, industrialization, etc. were not relevant (and yet ...).




In Alsace: Pierre Frick, Kreydenweiss and Weber. In Bordeaux Le Puy and Meylet.

在勃艮第:Dominique Derrain,Montchovet,Leroy,Vignes du Maine,Rateau和Giboulot。


在卢瓦尔(Loire):de l'ecu,cailloux du Paradis,laSansonnière,CouléeDeSerrant,Pierre和Catherine Breton。

在普罗旺斯:罗马宁,圣安妮和豪韦特。在罗纳(Rhône):Combier和La Canorgue。

所有这些葡萄酒生产的人都是已经练习“清洁剂”的“有机农业葡萄酒”的先驱,而从记忆中,有些人甚至以自然和 /或生物动力的方法进行了。

鉴于这一榜单,1996年200/250有机生产商中有机生产商的比例非常出色。而且,这也没有算出其他名字,例如Garelière,Gaillard for the Loire,甚至是波尔多的前卫,例如库尔森,Ouzoulias,RhôneJeanJean David etdesCèdres,甚至EugèneMeyer,也是第一个(最早的)(如果不是第一种)基于阿尔萨斯的法国生物动力学。

自然运动中的其他名称在有机景观中,但不一定在1996年获得认证,例如Marcel Lapierre,Pierre Foillard,YvonMétras(Beaujolais),Gramenon(Rhône)(Rhône),Pierre Overre Overnoy(Jura)和每年的Extension s'扩展名。享有声望的名字,伟大的才华,杰出的未知数,但工匠的葡萄酒生产商却几乎没有交流。有机葡萄酒一直很好,您只需要在上面放一个放大镜即可。


Organic will develop when it is accessible to as many people as possible. The greater the demand for this type of wine and food, the more production will turn to organic. This question is crucial, because organic production costs more for the end consumer, but conventional production costs more for the community. The costs of cleaning up are stratospheric.



Without wishing to overwhelm with figures yet another example: "the additional estimated household expenditure, generated by this pollution linked to surpluses of nitrogen and pesticides of agricultural origin would lie at least in a range of between 1,005 and 1,525 million d. euros, including 640 to 1,140 million euros passed on to the water bill, representing between 7 and 12% of this bill on a national average.»这更不用说与疾病相关的费用等...



我认为每个人都受益于持续vagueness with non-organic natural wines, which sometimes claim to be more organic than organic, and which in fact are "out of control". Everyone does what they want and peuy, but使人们认为自己是有机的自然葡萄酒,没有认证,这仍然是一种欺骗。The consumer is no longer in this jumble of labels and self-proclamation. Unfortunately, to date you have found plain wines that are non-organic with SO2 levels that no one has checked. Fake natural wines remain for me a brake on the development of organic.

You are also involved in the association of Breton winegrowers: with climate change, does the future of French wines lie in new terroirs, such as Brittany?




You are not completely leaving the sector: what are your projects?

是的,如果我停止参加比赛,我不会离开葡萄酒世界。我在阿波盖(Apogée)经营“知道如何喝酒”系列。我正在组织一个贸易博览会“ Buvons Terroirs”,其中大约有五十个有机葡萄酒生产商,第一版将于11月22日。在其余的情况下,它是联合性的,例如6月的“ Buvons Pantin”节目,Breton Winegrowers,Breton Winegrowers,全新的“ Movis”协会,将葡萄酒和精神的记者和作者汇集在一起​​……忙碌的退休。

