The Regenerative Viticulture Association promotes a paradigm shift in Spanish vineyards

Image CourtesyRegenerative Viticulture Association

Driving a paradigm shift in vineyard management in Spain to fight against climate change and at the same time regenerate soil, curb erosion and promote biodiversity. This is the main goal of the Regenerative Viticulture Association, which has been established today in Barcelona and seeks to become a meeting place for sharing information, knowledge and experiences based around holistic management and regenerative agriculture.

Behind this association are five family wineries and businesses from different regions, all of which are committed to sustainability and preserving the planet: Familia Torres, Clos Mogador, Can Feixes and Jean Leon, together with the agricultural consultancy AgroAssessor.

It aims to get other vine-growers, farmers, winemakers, educators, researchers and businesses involved in its cause to expand this agricultural model, which is based on the carbon cycle and the only one that is proposed as a solution to check global warming.


In turn, the accumulation of organic carbon in vineyard soil will help to improve the health of this soil, increase its resistance to erosion and its capacity to cope with drought as it will retain water better, and it will also encourage biodiversity, creating a balanced ecosystem that benefits both the vineyard and the planet.

该协会的椅子是来自第五代家族托雷斯(Familia Torres)的米格尔·托雷斯(Miguel Torres),而农产品的创始人弗朗西斯(Francesc)是副主席。其他董事会成员是克里斯蒂安·巴比尔(Christian Barbier),马加多尔(Mogador)的葡萄栽培负责人;Can Feixes的共同所有人Joan Huguet;以及让·莱昂(Jean Leon)的董事Mireia Torres。财务主管的角色是由农业评估伙伴Eduard Muixach担任的,秘书是Familia Torres酿酒师MontseCacusús。

“This association’s raison d’être is to spread and share knowledge and experiences,” Miguel Torres explained.



Members also have the opportunity to take part in field trips and will regularly receive information and articles of interest about regenerative viticulture.

“We want the association to be a space where people with similar concerns come together and can share their experiences, as regenerative agriculture doesn’t have a manual that will fit all cases, but is instead based on experimentation. That’s why it’s important for us to learn from one another and share this knowledge to move forward,” Francesc Font said.

The association is open to any person, business or entity interested in regenerative viticulture, anywhere in Spain.


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